Easton Dandelion Control | treatments | applications | spraying

As the warmer weather arrives in Easton, so do the dreaded dandelions. Dandelions are one of the most recognizable weeds in home lawns due to their bright yellow color. If Dandelions are not properly eradicated, they will spread throughout your entire property. Give Grassy Meadows Lawn Care And Tick Control a call to set up an annual lawn care program.

Grassy Meadows Lawn Care and Tick Control, Corp. Easton, CT  is a Lawn, Shrub,Tick and Mosquito Application, Fertilizing, Disease Treatments, and Weed Spraying Business, Servicing DarienNew CanaanNorwalkWiltonWestportWestonFairfieldEastonTrumbullMonroeShelton, and Stratford. B-2425, S-4320 3A,7F robcerulli@sbcglobal.net
